Feb 24, 2015

Fun Fan Fest (photos)

This Saturday took place the first edition of Fun Fan Fest at Boca Nord, a young center (with a gym on the 2nd floor) for the people of El Carmel neighbourhood. The place was really friendly so, despite it rained a little bit on the morning, in general, the experience was really good. People had the chance to watch (touch) the original collage book "El confort dels estranys" by Pere Saguer, the last zine we have published.

Really surprised of the amount of artwork (graffiti) that fills outside and inside the building

Alexander Rios (left) & a friend on the first desks of the fair.

Our desk! We are sad to inform we no longer will be available to bring the Slovakia flag. :(

Núria from Ediciones del Martes (left) & Lindero Libros (right).

During the fair, there was a collective zine. Here Monostereo printing the covers.

And the last. A interesting conversation between Enrique (left) from TD papeles & Pere Saguer (right)

Feb 20, 2015

Autoedita o muere (Photos)

Some pictures about “Autoedita o Muere” in Barcelona, the last saturday (14th February). The fair, included a very lots of nice printed stuff you can see on the event fecebook page. Here, we upload some pictures of the event:

Feb 17, 2015

Fan Fun Fest

This saturday in Boca Nord (Carrer Agudells 37-45 Barcelona) is going to take place the first edition of Fun Fan Fest, a meeting for creative authors, small publishers and self publishers. The event, is organised by Boca Nord with the collaboration of Playanueva Nueva.

The festival opens at 11:00, and during all day you will be able to enjoy different activities from people we already meet in other festivals: Irma Marco (Hola Ediciones) is going to make a collaborative zine with all the people of the festival, Monostereo is going to do/show silkscreen printing,  Ediciones Valientes is going to work with people related on any kind of drawing for a big drop-down comic (or something like this, better go there and check, no?), Sonia Esplugas is going to make a plant-veggie-zine with plants veggies and… green stuff (;P) and during all day music with Sr.Galleta and a Chaphretracker with Tirsomàtic.

Random picture. (Libros Mutantes a couple years ago)

And on the desks? Who? Ok, here all the list of people that has confirmed: Alexander Rios, Alicia Carrera, Bad Weather Press, Colectivoelectroculo, Ediciones del martes, Ediciones Valientes, El Chico de los Rombos, + PETIT · COMITË · DEL · TERROR +, Enrique Rodríguez (Musgo), Guitza!, Hola Ediciones, Javier Soriano, Las lindas Pobres, Las tres Plumas, Lentejas Press, Unamesacamilla, Elena Ortiz, Lindero Libros, Marina Forés, Marta Cachinero, Monostereo, Shook Down, Sr Miau, TD Papeles, Virtual Room, Sabandija Ediciones, Esporas Invasoras, Anodina zines, Irkus (Medalariso), Helions Crew, Cartu Àrtic, Tutú Olivos & Rummora.

Feb 11, 2015

Autoedita o Muere

This saturday 14, in Barcelona, first edition of the festival Autoedita o muere (Selfpublish or die). There will be a space, but not for sale only to exchange. We are going to have some of our publications. How?: Change your material for tickets and this with other types of stuff: printing, fanzines, photos, t-shirts ... all kind of self-published material.

Saturday. From 12:00 to 16:00. Sant Pere Més Baix street number 70 (on the back of Casal del Pou de la Figuera). Free.

Autoedita o Muere in Madrid last year.

Autoedita o Muere in Madrid last year.